
Monday, December 27, 2010

Exterior Facade - Additional renderings

I will update this post as new additional renderings of the exterior facade are created.

2. Southwest Corner (Conservatory)

Here's another rendering of the southwest corner of the mega-mansion.  In the centre is the conservatory, which is flanked by the central and west wings of the mansion.  It gives an impression of the scale, with the width of the central wing approximately equal to that of each of the two wings (east and west).  This would be the view as one approaches the west entrance of the mansion, en route to the grand ballroom.


  1. I love seeing this labor of love progress. Your designs are very strong and the product is beautiful! Keep up the good work! I can't wait to build this one day!

  2. I would love to see some type of two story grotto. Something similar to the Portabello estate where it looks like it is carved into rock. Although it may be a deviant of the period of style I think it would be a huge asset to the home and an entertainers dream!
    the estate website is listed for reference.

    Keep up the great work!!
