
Sunday, March 6, 2011

First and Second floor are nearing completion

I have been working VERY hard on this project over the last 2 weeks.  In fact, at times it has completely consumed me.  I thank each and every one of you who have expressed interest in this project over the last year, as the interest has provided an inspiration for me to continue.

I wanted to share with you an image of, again, the southwest facade.  I have made numerous changes to the west wing, which I think work much better.  I have continued work on the Mansard roof, which has taken an incredible amount of time to design, but suits the mansion aesthetically, and provides a great deal of function in terms of allowing the addition of the third floor.

I love the way this project is coming together, and am truly proud of how things have come along since April of 2010. 

As always, comments are more than welcome!  Maybe one day this house will see reality!  One can only dream!



  1. Great job Jonathan! Your blog is one of the sites I check every single day (sometimes multiple times on the off chance you updated it since I last checked)...and can honestly say that I'm always excited when I see it has been updated. Keep up the great work!

  2. Looks beautiful, I look forward to your upcoming post!

  3. Are they still coming? I keep checking back but nothing :(

  4. Just catching up after a long absence... Impressed with your choices, the grandeur, and scale of the house. Have you posted a floor plan of the first or second floor yet? Is one pending? Thanks!
